overloading information...


overloading information...

I am a visual artist with 30 years advertising experience in Verona. Since 2006 I have been working in real estate in Lake Garda-Italy and Madrid-Spain. I am currently developing an artistic/visual discourse on to the overload of information we are confronted to on a daily basis.

The information is shot continuously from one side to the other. We are bombardedfrom every angle and at all levels.

Sometimes in a soft tone (like a sigh) and often with authority, criticism or wailing (anxiety, hatred, anger, news or marketing). It is very intense when it comes from our dreams, the desires of others or memories from a distant past. It can also come from what we have learned or what we have said about what is right or wrong. 

Communication is like an arrow directed to a very specific target and sometimes we are in the middle and take a full on impact.

If we imagine information seen from a distance, we would see only the intersecting lines, stoping or deflecting over any level of a communication space. If, however, we approach for a "close-up" on a small piecemof these intersections we will see'a collage full of messages, stories, memories and opinions. It is inthese spaces of communication where ideas cross and embrace that we begin to create our own personal criterias, faults, fears and loves.